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Welcome to my weekly blog where i update you on the adventure that is the life of a videographer on the road!


The time period before any big trip is a time that is filled with many mixed emotions. The apprehensive feeling of a new adventure, fear of forgetting things but above all the excitement that this next part of your life holds. This week i head to Andorra to start the next part of my journey as a travelling videographer & social media manager. Before heading there i had to get an ACRO police report sorted and then have it sent away for an apostle stamp of approval before i can head out to work legally. Im going to be honest with you guys my date to move was supposed to be tomorrow however i still haven't got my papers back!

Things i still need to do before i jet off


  • book coach from Barcelona

  • pack (literally everything)

  • head to town to buy toiletres

  • sort a lift to the airport

Seems like a lot right! However i thought id make a list of the things i have prepared over the past few days that make me feel a bit more organised;

  • sorted legal papers

  • sorted accommodation

  • brought some ski clothes & thermals

  • upload final travel vlogs from Asia

  • brought & learnt how to use a new camera gimbal!

Its fair to say i have a lot to do however it is achievable!

The Reality!

This trip is looking to be around 3 months, for some of you 3 months may seem a long time to be away from home, and i agree it is! However i have been living away from my hometown for the last 7 months now and i have just had a very luxurious month living back at my family home for the Christmas and new year period. It has been great spending time in comfort and sanity before i get back to life on the road not knowing where i will be sleeping the next week.

I know my craft and love my work and i am l learning every single day how to get better at it, however will always get that same nervous feeling every time i start in a new place. Its the same as starting a new job anywhere, the self doubt and fear even though you know deep down you are capable of anything life throws at you. As humans we have to do it before and you will continue to, we are amazingly adaptable like that! As much i love the home comforts something about living a constant adventure and not knowing what the next day will hold is an addicting feeling, and I'm addicted!

You can also stay updated visually as i vlog my way through my jouney on my YouTube channel.



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